You might be asking yourself, "What Is Addiction?" When we say the word “addiction” is can mean many things to different people. On one side, we may make a passing comment about being a coffee addict. Yet, for others—the word addiction” could bring up life-altering impact for either themselves or someone they care for.
While the brain’s dopamine reward cycle is in effect no matter the substance or behavior—certain addictions have various degrees of consequences to the user or their loved ones, based off of what type it is.
I welcome you to view this 2 minute animation which describes the dopamine reward cycle of the brain which leads to addiction. The Science Of Addiction By “Life Noggin”
Or, for a more scholarly approach, visit Harvard Health’s article on “How Addiction Hijacks The Brain.”
It is important for us to recognize the root meaning of the word “addiction” is to mean “enslaved to.” No matter the substance or behavior—addiction removes power from an individual and shifts it towards that substance or behavior. In essence, someone loses not only a sense of their own control—but also their own identity.
But I dare to believe that our identity is more than any addiction or behavior. As we seek to make the shift away from the incomplete story of addiction and into truth—we have an ability to reclaim our narrative.
The Camino Recovery center 1 names the top 10 addictions of modern society as:
Tobacco & Nicotine
Sex Addiction
Illegal Or Prescription Drugs
The Internet & Modern Technology
Video Games
Work 1
Since it is an extensive list, for the purposes of our materials, our team will focus on two areas of addiction:
Substance use
Pornography or sex addiction
This does not mean other forms of addiction are not important; only we have chosen to focus on these areas first and hope to build more content in the future.
If you, or someone you care for, are fighting to change your narrative away from addiction and into wholeness—we welcome you to journey with us.
What Is Addiction?
How Many Individuals Struggle With Addiction?
To answer this question, we are going to break it up per type.
Substance Abuse
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 19.7 million American adults (aged 12 and older) battled a substance use disorder in 2017. 2
In 2017, 8.5 million American adults suffered from both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder, or co-occurring disorders.2
In 2017, approximately 4% of the American adolescent population age 12 to 17 suffered from a substance use disorder; this equals 992,000 teens or 1 in 25 people in this age group. 2
About 5.1 million young adults age 18 to 25 battled a substance use disorder in 2017, which equates to 14.8% of this population and about 1 in 7 people.2
Pornography Addiction
A Word About Changing The Narrative Of Addiction

Before we dive deep into the concept of shifting a story affected by addiction, I want to recognize the fact addiction is a deeply embedded habit and the process of recovery is rarely quick.
In matters related to addiction, the neural make up of a brain has been changed by repeated behaviors or substances. This takes time to modify. Often, recovery has greatest success when paired with professional care. Sharing all of this, however, does not mean there is not hope. I simply want to set healthy expectations in the beginning. With that, I want to share one more thing.
Just because the process may be long, does not mean you are not succeeding. Though we say, “change your narrative” the truth is, it is worth celebrating every moment of changing. This may mean thousands of micro-wins throughout the journey. And my team and I celebrate you in each and every one of those moments.
Remember, your identity is not your addiction. Your value is not tied to action. You are worth so much more.
A Word About Addiction - The Video Discussion
Guilt Versus Shame
I want to take a moment to share something personal. I believe that both guilt and shame can be triggers for negative head space and dark thoughts. Because of this, it is important for me to share how I see guilt and shame, and how we can work though them.
Guilt is the aftermath of an action. It can be healthy—as it lets us know what we did was wrong. Shame, on the other hand, is the cruel rebranding of our identity. It suggests that because of an action—we are somehow a different person. It seeks to stake a claim on who we are.
Guilt can be healthy. Our words, actions, and behaviors have consequences. Guilt helps us to take ownership, learn, and grow. Shame, however, doesn’t offer a solution. It just grips our thoughts & emotions in a vice.
How do we escape the trap of shame? I want to continue this critical conversation in the video below.
Guilt Versus Shame - The Video Discussion
Is It Okay To Talk About Addiction?
The fact you are asking, is a positive thing. The short answer, is “Yes.” And with that, I would also add it is important to find the right place to talk about it. This is not a matter of shame or an indication that your story is not worth listening to. Instead, what I want for you is for you to have every possible option of being heard as you share such an important part of your thoughts and feelings.
Because of this, I want to take the next few pages and talk about how to share, who to share with, and small steps you can take as you work towards discussing the matter with someone who can help you take healthy, positive action.
As always, however, if you are in danger or harm, be sure to consult with a professional immediately; or call 911.
Ways to reach out:
SAMHSA’s National Helpline1-800-662-HELP
DrugHelpline.org 1-844-289-0879
Addiction Center (855) 907-0761
Youth Crisis Line – 1800 Hit Home
Hopeline 1800-442-5673
How To Talk About Addiction

It can be scary to think about opening up and explaining about actions or behaviors. But, your story is worth sharing. Since the conversation is important, there are a few things you can do which will help it to be heard.
Prepare For The Conversation
If you have the ability to, jot down a few bullet points—things you are thinking and feeling. It is okay to have those with you when you share. It can help you keep going and know what to say next.
Give A Heads Up
You do not have to immediately come out with your most vulnerable thoughts and feelings first. In important conversations it can be helpful to frame what you want to share by saying things like, “I need to talk about something important, that might be difficult for me to say.” or “I want to share something but I am afraid you won’t understand—would you be willing to listen?”
Be Clear
It is vital for you to be extremely clear on the extent of your thoughts and feelings.
Take One Healthy Action Step
Opening up about what you are thinking and feeling is the first step. If someone responds positively to you, ask them if you can take an action step together. This might mean talking to a loved one, finding professional guidance, calling a hotline together, or a range of other ways to seek wholeness.
The goal is to leave a conversation with a clear understanding of what you are going through, what your thoughts and feelings are and have been, and what healthy, next steps can be taken.
What To Share About Addiction

Just like the question, “When is it good to share?” you might wonder exactly what to share. When there is a lot going on inside of the head and heart, it can feel overwhelming to decide what to talk about.
Just as in the “When To Share” video, I have a full conversation which discusses “What to share?” below. But for starters, let’s consider a few key points. It is good to share:
What you think and feel right now.
What you have thought and felt recently.
What actions and behaviors you are enaged in.
What the source might be.
What you would like to do next.
What To Share? - Video Discussion
The Obstacles In Seeking Help
It is fair to talk about the obstacles along the path, so we are not surprised by them. If you have faced one or all of the following—know that I hear you and I see you. I acknowledge the fact these moments can create tremendous setback or make it difficult to want to continue to fight for your wholeness. I can only hope you know you are not alone in that battle—and it is worth it to continue to fight on.
Help Seems Hopeless
A Question Of Worth
Lack Of Energy
Disappointing Attempts
For a more in-depth discussion about these points, including guidance on how to overcome them, check out the video below.
The Obstacles In Seeking Help - Video Discussion
Your Identity Goes Beyond The Struggle

In the core of who I am—I am convinced we are not defined by our struggles. Our identity goes far beyond what anyone stole from us, did to us, or how they disappointed us.
While it may be true you have faced a deep struggle or have been treated in ways you did not deserve, I believe this does not have to be the key identifier of what makes you—you.
Wholeness is still available. Though it requires a journey, it’s a pathway to be free of pain’s influences—as if it was the only thing to define your life. I believe you still have life in front of you and it is filled with the ability for hope, the ability to make a difference in other’s lives, and the ability to go out there and have positive and meaningful impact.
Your Identity Goes Beyond The Struggle- Video
How Change Your Narrative Can Offer Support

It takes courage to begin a journey to seek wholeness. Though many of us will face individual struggles in our own life—there are some struggles which feel as if they have the power to take the pen and write our future.
But you are the author—not any pain, brokenness, or hurt of your past and present.
The goal of Change Your Narrative is to create an environment of support along with hosting resources and tools which guide you towards wholeness.
One thought constantly pushes me towards the future. I would ask you the same question:
What if tomorrow was stronger than yesterday?
We are rooting for you, not only once you complete your journey, but every step through it.
If you are looking for a guide to help you process your story and walk a journey of wholeness - we would love to partner with you in the Addiction Matters - Change Your Narrative Video Mentorship Guide.
Check out a sneak peak here:
Apps Which Offer Support

Pear reSET offers a 12-week program schedule complete with weekly check-ins and guided lessons.
Sober Grid offers user engagement with a recovery community, daily tasks to engage the mind, a way to track triggers and an online journal
Nomo – Sobriety Clocks tracks personal victories of sobriety and allows you to share that moment of victory with an accountability partner or group, thus creating a sense of community.
SoberTool offers daily inspirational messages and reminders. Key component includes guided questions if the user marks feeling a relapse coming on.
WEconnect offers sobriety and recovery reminders such as calling a sponsor, attending a group meeting, or self care. Allows both recovering addicts and sponsors to interact via reminders to reach out to each other.
rTribe – Quit Porn/Drug/Food Addiction allows to you track the times of day when behaviors or substances are most appealing. Targets a plan around these triggers.
TalkLife offers online support similar to group therapy. Share anonymously or with your name.
Self-Help For Anxiety Management (SAM) offers an anxiety toolkit which tracks thoughts and behaviors, while also offering tools to combat negativity.
Communities Which Offer Support

Addiction Center Support Groups
Provides 24/7 access to support via hotline and pop-up chat options, which were present at the time of this writing. A library of resources available on their support page.
Smart Recovery
Offers a vast community of forum support.
Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration
Website states they offer “free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.
The Tribe Wellness Community
A subscription-based service of peer-to-peer support for individuals and their families.
To Write Love On Her Arms -
Offers a search for free or low cost therapy options to connect with a therapist.
Lifeline Crisis Chat -
Offers free, online chatting with trained individuals.
What Is Sex Addiction & What Recovery Options Are Available?
Provides an honest discussion about driving factors of addiction and what help is available, including online support groups.
Sex Addiction Treatment
The American Addiction Centers offers a data heavy article on addiction facts—including what addiction is and isn’t. As of this printing, website also offered a chat feature pop up that reached out for those seeking support.
American Addiction Centers
Provides educational insight and treatment options.
The Recovery Village
Offers therapy options for individuals and their loved ones.
Project Know
Offers insight into a 12-step process. A pop-up box offering chat guidance was available at the time of this writing.
Resources for Parents

Navigating Porn Addiction – A Guide For Parents
Teenagers And Pornography Addiction: A Silent Epidemic
The American Counseling Association provides research from a clinical background.
Parents Of Teens Help Guide
A Plan For Discussing How To Avoid Porn
One parent and therapists plan of action for discussing important topics.
Good Pictures Bad Pictures
Age appropriate children’s books which teach pre-pubescent children (versions available for children 3-7 years old and 7-11 years old) how to safeguard themselves from pornographic images.
How To Recognize A Substance Abuse Disorder
Insight into recognizing where you, or someone you care for, may be at and how to find treatment options.
Substance Abuse Guide For Teenagers
Offers a wealth of age appropriate knowledge and links for family members.
Substance Abuse Support For Families

How To Recognize A Substance Abuse Disorder
Insight into recognizing where you, or someone you care for, may be at and how to find treatment options.
Substance Abuse Guide For Teenagers
Substance Abuse Guide For Your Adult Loved One
Both guides offers a wealth of age appropriate knowledge and links for family members.
Substance Abuse Treatment Booklet For Families
Provides a detailed, educational guide for families.
Designing A Treatment Plan – What Does It Look Like?
Guide To Finding Quality Substance Abuse Treatment
Is Addiction A Brain Disease?
A medical discussion on the ways a brain is affected by addiction—along with insight to reduce shame associated with it.
Resources For Families Facing Alcohol And Other Drug Addiction
Discusses how addiction is a family disease—and what to do inside of the roles individuals take when addiction hits home.
Additional Drug & Substance Abuse Resources

How To Recognize A Substance Abuse Disorder
Insight into recognizing where you, or someone you care for, may be at and how to find treatment options.
Designing A Treatment Plan – What Does It Look Like?
Guide To Finding Quality Substance Abuse Treatment
Is Addiction A Brain Disease?
A medical discussion on the ways a brain is affected by addiction—along with insight to reduce shame associated with it.
Vaping: Why Its Addictive & Resources To Quit
Provides education on the addictive qualities of vaping—along with resources to quit.
Quit Vaping
Numerous articles on how to quit vaping, along with insight into the process, including understanding withdrawal, cravings, and triggers.
Puffing Away Sadness
Offers insight into the combination of smoking as a tool to reduce negative emotions.
What Is Addiction? Understanding Drug Abuse And Addiction
Gives educational insight into the factors behind drug abuse and addiction. At the time of this printing, a chat box for immediate help was offered on the site.
Resources For Families Facing Alcohol And Other Drug Addiction
Discusses how addiction is a family disease—and what to do inside of the roles individuals take when addiction hits home.
Addiction Treatment Resources For College Students
A collaborative listing of a wide range resources options for students who face addiction.
Additional Resources For Sexual Addiction

What Is Sex Addiction & What Recovery Options Are Available?
Provides an honest discussion about driving factors of addiction and what help is available, including online support groups.
Sex Addiction Treatment
The American Addiction Centers offers a data heavy article on addiction facts—including what addiction is and isn’t. As of this printing, website also offered a chat feature pop up that reached out for those seeking support.
The Mindful Habit
Site offers a free, 1-hour masterclass training on “4 Transformational Shifts” to end addiction. Site also offers resources for wives whose spouses are addicted.
I Feel Human Again
One young man’s story of addiction and recovery.
Brain Heart World
A 3-part documentary on the impact of pornography, including scientific research and stories from individuals whose relationships have been affected. Free to watch for individual viewers. Screening licenses available for organizations.
Escaping Porn Addiction TED Talk
One man’s journey to recovery from sex addiction.
4 Ways Teen Girls Reject Porn
What It’s Like To Be A Girl Addicted To Porn
Teenagers And Pornography Addiction: A Silent Epidemic
The American Counseling Association provides research on the topic from a clinical background.
Safeguarding Children From Pornographic Images
Insight on how to equip pre-pubescent children to safeguard themselves from pornography.
Students – How To Tell Your Parents About Your Struggle
Ministry Leader Addiction Resources

Youth Worker Resources To Help Students Battle Porn
Ministry-Based Pornography Support Group Network
Youth Ministry Families Pornography Resources
Battling Pornography Resources For Pastors
One Wife’s Story Of Her Own Addiction
Teacher Strategies For Home And Classroom
Media Smarts – Resources For Teachers
Offers a collections of resources for teachers.
1. Scourfield, D. (2018, September 25). Top 10 Addictions in Modern Society. Retrieved March 1, 2020, from https://www.caminorecovery.com/blog/top-10-addictions-in-modern-society/
2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2018). Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
3. Dhawaldamania, dhawaldamania 4 #Startups 3 Years, Twitter Facebook Google , & Authors. (2011, December 22). Internet Pornography Statistics. Retrieved March 1, 2020, from http://thedinfographics.com/2011/12/23/internet-pornography-statistics/
4. Weiss, R. (2019, March 28). The Prevalence of Porn. Retrieved March 1, 2020, from https://blogs.psychcentral.com/sex/2013/05/the-prevalence-of-porn/